Amadou Barry
Home Institution: Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC) - Bamako, Mali
Host Institution: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK) - Wavre, Belgium
Background Information:
Amadou Barry started at the Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC) in 2006 for his medical doctor thesis after a rigorous selection among several candidates. After six months of further training on malaria diagnosis and treatment, basic clinical research and Good Clinical Practice in the main campus and in the studies sites of Doneguebougou, and Banambani. After the completion of his thesis in 2009, he was offered a full time position at the MRTC. Until 2012 Dr. Barry worked as a field clinician and trial coordinator in Ouéléssébougou, Djoliba, Siby, Kolokani, Didieni, and Bougouni in several epidemiological studies and clinical trials,such as malaria intermittent preventive treatments in children and infants, the efficacy and safety of chlorproguanil-dapsone-artesunate versus chlorproguanil-dapsone in the treatment of acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children, adolescents and adults in Africa.
He was also involved in the conduct of a Phase 3 trial to assess the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of pneumococcal conjugated vaccines. In 2012 he was awarded the Africa London Nagasaki Scholarship (ALN) and spent one year at the Nagasaki University, Japan to obtain his Master degree in Tropical Medicine. He completed his master thesis on the polymorphism of malaria surface protein SURFIN (Surface Interspersed protein), in the department of protozoology. The main methodologies he used in his master thesis were Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Sequencing the PCR products to assess the gene conversion event on the Surfin family members’ genes. During his time in Japan he also attended the International Course on Research Ethics in the Nagasaki University, Japan which allowed him to further strengthened his knowledge and understanding of research ethics. After completed his master degree in Japan he returned to Mali and resumed his work at the Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC). Since then we was closely involved in the planning, set up and conducts of large field trials and was especially instrumental in the site of Ouelessebougou for the malaria vaccine research in pregnant women. In 2014 he attended the course on molecular approaches to clinical microbiology organized by Welcome Trust in South Africa.
In 2015, and 2016, he had the chance to attend 5 days master’s level course on vaccinology organized by Jenner Institute in Bamako, Mali, and the Advanced Vaccinology Course in Africa – ‘Afro-ADVAC’ in Johannesburg, South Africa. Dr. Barry is currently working on a trial comparing seasonal vaccination using the malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01, and seasonal malaria chemoprevention using SP-AQ as well as the combination of the two two interventions. Further, Dr. Barry is currently involved in the preparations of the Phase 3 trial on radiation attenuated Plasmodium falciparum NF54 Sporozoites (PfSPZ Vaccine) in pregnant women in Mali.
Mahamoud Sama Cherif
Home Institution: Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, G.A.N. University of Conakry - Guin
Host Institution: Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO), Centre for Tropical Medicine & Global Health, University of Oxford - Oxford, UK
Background Information:
I am a research Assistant at the Department of Medicine of University Gamal Abdel Nasser (GAN) of Conakry. Established as a public body in 1960, the Department of Medicine is devoted to training medical students and conducting research on various diseases including poverty related diseases in Guinea. Previously, I was appointed as an assistant professor at the institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University for more than 4 years. As result, I gained experience and skills in basic and translational research and published several papers in peer-reviewed journals. I hold a PhD degree in Medical Sciences from the School of Biomedical Sciences of Nagasaki University and prior to that a MD degree form Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy Odonto-Stomatology (FMPOS) at University GAN of Conakry.
My career goal is to become a clinical researcher able to test new medications (drugs or vaccines), procedures, devices, and/or surveys, in order to look for better and more efficient ways to prevent, diagnose and treat infectious diseases. I aim to look for better ways to improve the quality of life for people who have infectious diseases.
To achieve these ambitious goals, I began my studies at the Institute of Tropical Medicine at Nagasaki University in basic sciences, using molecular biology techniques. I developed a bioinformatics gene screening method to identify some potential vaccine candidates for malaria
Working as a clinical researcher is a very exciting career, providing opportunities to not only play a pivotal role in drug or vaccine development but also to work closely with populations affected by infectious diseases.
The EDCTP-TDR Clinical Research Fellowship provides an excellent opportunity for acquiring skills needed to lead clinical trials, with the aim of contributing towards helping new drug development. This will enable me to realize my childhood dream of helping my community in Guinea, in this way. Furthermore, attending scientific meetings allows for networking with experts from related fields, which will promote my professional development as a whole.
Noubar Clarisse Dah
Home Institution: Centre de Recherche en Santé de Nouna (CRSN) - Nouna, Burkina Faso
Host Institution: Fiocruz - Manguinhos, Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Background Information:
I prepared my thesis at the Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro where I participated in the conduct of clinical studies (clinical trial and epidemiological study). After my graduation, I joined the Centre de Recherche en Santé de Nouna , which is one of the research institutions of the Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso. In this institute, I am a sub-investigator in clinical trials and epidemiological studies. I am also involved in Nouna district hospital in the care of patients.
I am much more interested in clinical research. I am confident that the challenge of eliminating neglected tropical diseases and emerging diseases through the development of vaccines and drugs.
Sam Aboubacar Coulibaly
Home Institution: The Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme (CNRFP) - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Host Institution: Institur Pasteur - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Background Information:
After my medical degree, I worked as General practitioner for 2 years in Private Medical Center providing preventive and curative care to patients, and training for the clinical personnel. There I developed a strong interest in communicable diseases then given the high burden of malaria in Burkina Faso, my natural transition was to join in 2010, the CNRFP as junior clinical researcher. Since then I have been sub investigator in numerous trials involving antimalarial drugs, insecticide treated bednets and malaria vaccine candidates.
My current position is heading the clinical research unit of the CNRFP in Banfora where I am playing the role of scientific and administrative leader for more than 30 staff members.
Dziedzom De Souza
Home Institution: Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical research, University of Ghana
Host Institution: The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) - Geneva, Switzerland
Background Information:
Dr. Dziedzom de Souza is a Senior Research Fellow with the Parasitology Department of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. His research interests are in the Molecular Biology of Disease Vectors and Parasites, Lymphatic Filariasis and other Neglected Tropical Diseases. Currently, his main research focus involves assessing the transmission of Lymphatic Filariasis, towards the endpoint elimination goals of the Global Programme for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis. He has led entomological investigations, and has been involved in providing training, diagnostics, monitoring and evaluation support to other project countries in Africa including, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Ethiopia and Togo. He also serves are a consultant, for the Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme of the Ghana Health Service.
Dziedzom also has tremendous experience in Quality Management Systems. He is the Quality Manager for the Parasitology Department, and is leading the efforts of the Department and the NMIMR towards certification for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 15189:2015. He is fluent in English and French.
Ewurama Dedea Ampadu Owusu
Home Institution: University of Ghana - Accra, Ghana
Host Institution: The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) - Geneva, Switzerland
Background Information:
I am a lecturer/researcher at the School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences in the College of Health Sciences in the University of Ghana. My research interest is in Infectious Diseases with special focus on malaria, HIV and sickle cell disease.
Birendra Prasad Gupta
Home Institution: Central Department of Biotechnology, Tribhuvan University - Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Host Institution: International Vaccine Institute (IVI) - Seoul, South Korea
Background Information:
Being Virologist, I have great interest to work on viral diseases. Our Virology unit at Central Department of Biotechnology, Tribhuvan University works on infectious viral diseases like Dengue, HIV, HBV, HCV and HEV. I have experience of working on Dengue, HEV, HPV and HIV in Nepal. I am currently working as Lecturer at Tribhuvan University. It is my pleasure to supervise postgraduate students in my laboratory. I am actively involved in teaching as well as in research activities and published twelve peer reviewed articles in international journals. I have attended seven international viral disease conference held in USA and South Africa. I always share my knowledge at my home institution after conference/ training and help in collaboration with different international institution working on different viral diseases. Our department have collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), Kerala, India; National Institute of Diagnostic and Vaccine development (NIDVD), Xiamen University, China; Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, California, USA and National and Regional Reference Laboratory, National Institute of Infectious Diseases-ANLIS "Dr. Malbrán", Argentina to work on different viral disease in Nepal.
Tanga Jean Moïse Kabore
Home Institution: The Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme (CNRFP) - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Host Institution: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - Basel, Switzerland
Background Information:
I am Jean Moise Tanga KABORE, MD by background, graduated in University of Ouagadougou in 2012. I am a clinical investigator in several clinical research studies conducted by the Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme (CNRFP) in Burkina Faso
I completed all steps of my thesis that I defended on July 2012 on the topic " Malaria indicators study in hyper-endemic area in children 6 to 59 months: passive tracking of a prospective cohort of 353 children for 12 months in Banfora Health District, Burkina Faso".
My first research interest is Malaria, its Epidemiology, genetic and immunologic aspects, malaria vaccine and antimalarial drugs clinical trials. I am also interested with biostatistics (Epidemiology in general) because it is a fundamental science that remains an essential tool for designing clinical studies.
The other infectious diseases, AIDS and other viral infections included, parasitic infections and food borne diseases may be interesting topics in our setting.
I was recruited by CNRFP as a Medical Doctor, clinical investigator from October 2012 to date. During these five years of experience and work, I have been continuously involved in several clinical trials. I was the head of the local team who was working in site of Niangoloko from 2013 to 2016.
Currently, I am involved in two malaria vaccine trials, acting as the study physician; clinical investigator in the site of SAPONE.
Kelemework Adane Asmare
Home Institution: College of Health Sciences, Mekelle University - Ethiopia
Host Institution: The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) - Geneva, Switzerland
Background Information:
I graduated BSc in Medical Laboratory Sciences from Haramaya University in 2008 and MSc in Tropical & Infectious Diseases from Addis Ababa University in 2011. During my MSc study, I had the opportunity to work at Armauer Hasen Research Institute (AHRI) in Addis Ababa where I studied the molecular epidemiology of M. tuberculosis isolates from a rural community in Ethiopia. Currently, I am working at Mekelle University, Ethiopia as a lecturer. I am also a 4th year (last year) Ph.D. student at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. My Ph.D. thesis is focused on the “Epidemiology and Transmission Dynamics of Tuberculosis in Ethiopian Prisons”. Recently, I have joined the institute “Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics” (FIND) in Geneva, as a WHO/TDR fellow of the year 2017.
Hamma Maiga
Home Institution: Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC) - Bamako, Mali
Host Institution: Luxembourg Institute of Health - Luxembourg
Background Information:
After my doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry at the University of Bamako in Mali in 2002, followed by a Master in Public Health from Bordeaux-2 University in 2009 and Master in entomology and parasitology medical in 2014, I am currently supported my PhD in the field of entomology and parasitology medical the 20 December 2017.
For 3 years I was only investigator and over 10 years as a project coordinator in the Malaria Research and Training Center to the conduct of clinical trials phase IIIa / b there I was permanently with the villagers for 6 to 8 months of full high malaria transmission season from July to December. At the heart of the off-season from January to June I am working in laboratory on molecular markers resistance genes to sulfadoxine, pyrimethamine and amodiaquine (Pfdhfr, Pfdhps, Pfcrt and Pfmdr1) reinfection vs. Recrudescent gene (GLURP, MSP2, MSP1) and microsatellites (Ca1, TA99, Ta87, Ta1).
I participated and led several research projects including intermittent preventive treatment in pregnant women and children (IPTg, IPTsc and SMC). I had to write a protocol and obtained funds to the account of the University of Bamako and Fogarty International in 2007 to oversee an American student. I worked on the CDC study 2000-2001, WHO / TDR, 2002-2004, HHMI and CDC 2005, Novartis 2006, Dafra Pharma-2007, Pfizer 2008-2009, EDCTP 2010-2012, IIDP PhD fellow 2012-2014 and recently with the LSHTM on the seasonal malaria chemoprevention 2015-2017.
I recently spent the assistance of the public service there I am affected á the National Institute of Public Health Research (INRSP) in the Department of Diagnostic and Biomedical Research (DDRB). The DDRB is the largest department of INRSP. Its main missions: the achievements of routine laboratory analysis, biomedical research and training, the main research areas are malaria, schistosomiasis and Helmintiasis. This has also expanded my training field with more responsibility.
I will continue my expertise to MRTC and would create a bridge between the two structures (INRSP-MRTC) in field of research on the parasitology in general and on the malaria specifically.
Fridah Mwendia
Home Institution: Kenya Medical Research Institute, Centre for Respiratory Disease Research (CRDR) - Nairobi, Kenya
Host Institution: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK) - Wavre, Belgium
Background Information:
An MPH Candidate at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. A medical doctor with specialty interests in Tropical Diseases, Clinical Trials, Emerging Pharmaceutical Innovations and solutions that promote universal healthcare. Currently affiliated to the Kenya Medical Research Institute as an Associate Researcher.
Theophilius Ndorbor
Home Institution: Liberia Medicines and Health Product Regulatory Authority - Monrovia, Liberia
Host Institution: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK) - Wavre, Belgium
Background Information:
Access to quality medicines in Sub-Saharan Africa is challenging. As an enthusiastic, motivated and hardworking young man, I have developed keen interest in the Quality of medicines circulating in sub-Saharan Africa. With a good understanding of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes and analysis, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in accordance with international standards (ICH, EU, FDA, CFDA, WHO, ISO), I am interested in working with governments, nongovernmental organization, etc., in ensuring that only quality medicines reach sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, I serve as Technical Advisor at the LMHRA. I Provide technical support to the Quality Control Laboratory and Pharmaceutical Inspection Department. I also head the Expert Committee on Dossier Evaluation and Chair the LMHRA Hearing Board. I am of the opinion that Quality medicines manufacturing and frequent post-market surveillance are two major ways we can ensure that only safe and quality medicines are reached Africans.
Moussa Niangaly
Home Institution: Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC) - Bamako, Mali
Host Institution: European Vaccine Initiative - Heidelberg, Germany
Background Information:
I graduated in 2009 as Medical Doctor from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry/University of Science Techniques and Technologies of Bamako.From July 2009, I undertook clinical research as clinical and lab investigator in the Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium (MIPc) in Mali.From May 2011 to now I am one of the main clinical investigator and field activities coordinator for a cohort study: A Longitudinal Systems Biological Analysis of Naturally Acquired Malaria Immunity in Mali.I have participated in several studies, especially in malaria control, drug resistance and clinical trial. I have been trained in clinical research, ethics and topical medicine.Through my career I was involved in several clinical studies and I co-authored several articles that are published in peer reviewed international journals.In the future, I plan to pursue a master/PhD degree in public health, epidemiology, vaccinology or parasitology-mycology.
Mohammad Sharif Hossain
Home Institution: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research - Dhaka, Bangladesh
Host Institution: Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO), Centre for Tropical Medicine & Global Health, University of Oxford - Oxford, UK
Background Information:
I have completed my B.Sc and M.Sc in Applied Statistics from University of Dhaka in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Afterword I started my career as a Statistical Officer at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh known as icddr,b from July 2010. Currently I am working as Senior Statistical Officer in different projects that include Drug Trial, Vaccine Trial, Malaria Surveillance, G6PD study. My main responsibilities are analysed and conduct statistical modelling on the research data using different statistical software like STATA, SPSS; writing manuscript; develop database using different software like MS Access, Epidata, SPSS; review data; develop different data query to ensure good quality of data and resolve those queries and issues related to statistical analysis in order to prepare high quality manuscripts and reports by the research team.
My area of interest is to work in clinical research and also interested to work in the field of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
Paul Sondo
Home Institution: Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro - Burkina Faso
Host Institution: Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO), Centre for Tropical Medicine & Global Health, University of Oxford - Oxford, UK
Background Information:
Biologist by background, I am a research associate at IRSS-Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro (CRUN) and the responsible of the research Lab since 2013. My research interest is focused on malaria especially on Plasmodium falciparum resistance to antimalarial drugs. I am involved in several malaria research projects as Biologist, Lab manager, site coordinator in our institute. I have completed PhD program in Medical Parasitology recently on January 2017.
Fassiatou Oluwatosin Tairou
Home Institution: University Cheikh Anta Diop - Dakar, Senegal
Host Institution: European Vaccine Initiative - Heidelberg, Germany
Background Information:
My first degree was in radiology from National University of Benin in 2003. I obtained a Master degree (MSc) in Epidemiology from the Laval University in Quebec in 2006, where I worked as well in 2007. Then I worked at the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec on several topics including climate change and health impact of uranium mines from 2008 to 2011. Since 2013, I work at the Service of Parasitology and Mycology of University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) on malaria projects. My particular area of interest is maternal and child health.
Miguel Hernán Vicco
Home Institution: University Cheikh Anta Diop - Dakar, Senegal
Host Institution: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK) - Wavre, Belgium
Background Information:
I am a medical specialist in Clinical Medicine. Regarding my academic background I concluded my doctoral studies in 2016 with my thesis on the clinical profile of immunization in patients with Chagas' disease in relation to the antecedent of BCG vaccination. Parallel to the development of the doctorate, I also did the MSc in Science, Technology and Society and a Master Degree University Education; through the same capacities in the transfer of knowledge and in the scientific process as a tool of development and social welfare. In both aspects the axis of the thesis development in the processes of innovation of the medical education and the evaluation instruments. Finally, in relation to the work aspect, I perform since 2011 as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (National University of Littoral). In 2016 I also assume the position of Director of Research Development in the Research Department at the Faculty of Medical Science and as Health Researcher in the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
Prakash Ghosh
Home Institution: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research - Dhaka, Bangladesh
Host Institution: Infectious Disease Research Institute - Seattle, USA
Background Information:
I have been working at icddr,b for five years. At present, I am holding the position of a senior research officer with a fixed term employment under Nutritional and Clinical Services division. I completed my BS and MS in Biochemistry and molecular Biology from University of Dhaka. I have considerable experience in basic and translational research in leishmaniasis. Through my work at icddr,b under supervision of Dr. Dinesh Mondal, I have acquired substantial expertise in kala-azar/Visceral Leishmaniasis research. During my thesis, I was fascinated with Leishmania research while I evaluated several PCR based methods for diagnosis of VL. After that, I started my tenure as a research officer at icddr,b to make significant contributions in leishmania research, conducted by kala-azar team. I got the paramount opportunity to get acquainted with cutting edge technologies at Parasitology laboratory, led by a commendable parasitologist, Dr. Rashidul Haque. The technical expertise helped me to conduct several studies targeted to explore bio-markers for VL, to evaluate candidate vaccine for VL, to investigate the pathogenesis of VL. To conduct these studies I excelled in several laboratory techniques including PCR, ELISA, Luminex, real-time-PCR etc. The technical expertise and potential output from research made a solid platform for me and prompted me to a step forward. Then I got the opportunity to make more contribution in research by designing and implementing as well as providing with technical assistance. Currently I am involved in several research projects on leishmaniasis where my roles include designing studies, performing laboratory works, analyzing data, writing manuscripts and maintaining liaison with collaborators. I look forward to strengthening my technical competency and research experiences through EDCTP-TDR fellowship which will pave my way to make significant contribution in mitigating public health problems in Bangladesh.
Alphonce Alfred Liyoyo
Home Institution: Kibong'oto Infectious Disease Hospital - Sanya Juu, Killmanjaro Tanzania
Host Institution: Novartis - Switzerland
Background Information:
Dr. Alphonce holds a Medical degree and Master of Public health from Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College-Makumira University and has worked in both clinical and field research for over eight years. He is working at Kibong’oto Infectious Disease Hospital (Home Institution) as a clinician as well as a researcher heading clinical trial department.
Dr. Alphonce was a Co-investigator and was leader in field work task force at KIbong’oto Infectious Disease Hospital (KIDH) responsible for planning and execution of REMoxTB and MAMS Clinical Trial activities at KIDH in the Northern of Tanzania. As a clinically qualified researcher, Alphonce demonstrated high ability to multi-task clinical duties and research including leading clinical trial activities at KIDH field studies in the community. For his masters’ thesis, Alphonce sought to illuminate factors to be addressed in order to solve the problem of prolonged delay to diagnosis of MDR TB patients and found that increasing capacity in rapid molecular tests is crucial for shortening time to diagnosis.
Dr. Alphonce is interested in diagnostics and infectious diseases such as TB, HIV and Malaria. On his ambition to become a clinical trialist he has been awarded a TDR/EDCTP Clinical trial fellowship scholarship at Novartis Pharma AG (Host Organization) at Basel, Switzerland where he will be learning specific skills in Clinical Research and drug development processes.
Workineh Shibeshi Alemayehu
Home Institution: Addis Abada University - Ethiopia
Host Institution: Merck Global Health Institute - Switzerland
Background Information:
Workineh Shibeshi is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy, Ethiopia. Workineh is graduated with DVM in veterinary medicine with distinction and MSC in Pharmacology from Addis Ababa University School of Medicine, and PhD in Pharmacology from University of Leipzig in Germany through DAAD Scholarship. He has 17 years of experience in teaching, research and academic administration, and formerly served as Head of Department of Pharmacology and Clinical pharmacy. Workineh has published more than 50 articles in peer reviewed journals. Workineh has been recipient of Next Generation Scientist fellowship from Novartis Pharmaceuticals and University of Basel, where he was working in Novartis project for clinical development of antimalarial compound. Workineh has also recently completed two years of NIH-Fogarty post-doctoral fellowship through Ethiopia-Emory Tuberculosis Research Training program (EETB-RTP) with research on safety of second-line drugs for multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB).
Workineh’s research interests focus on development of lead compounds from natural products for therapy of neglected infectious diseases, and evaluation of clinical efficacy and safety of medications in patients. Workineh has been working mainly on basic pharmacology research, and recently pacing towards clinical research and development with focus on clinical pharmacology/drug trials for infectious diseases. For realization of his evolution as clinical researcher, he has been accepted in EDCTP-TDR Clinical Research and Development Fellowship to be undertaken at Merck Global Health Institute/Chief Medical Office in Switzerland with focus on Phase I/II trial of the Merck project on the new antimalarial drug.
Dr. Ahmed Zeynudin Kasim
Home Institution: Jimma University, Ethiopia
Host Institution: Julius Clinical, Zeist, The Netherlands
Background Information:
Dr. Ahmed Zeynudin Kasim received my Ph.D. in International Health (speciality in infectious disease), at Centre for International Health, Ludwig Maximillian Universitat (CIHLMU), Germany in November, 2017 He is an associate professor of infectious disease with more than 10 years’ experience in research, teaching, community service and other forms of scholarly activity at Institute of Health Sciences, Jimma university, Ethiopia Currently, he is an active member(co-investigator) of clinical trial research team and VILIR-OUS infectious disease research team at Jimma university and engaged in writing, planning and executing various infectious disease research projects mainly on NID including clinical trial studies on malaria and STH To date, he has more than more than 39 publication on malaria, soil-transmitted helminths (STH), schistosomiasis and other infectious diseases which includes Onchocerciasis and TB) in peer reviewed international journal as principal investigator (PI) and Co-PI. He has been working as an advisor and supervisor to several graduate and postgraduate students on their thesis on NID |