There are a number of resources and tools to help you develop your research career including training courses, The Global Health Network Essential Criteria and the Professional Development Scheme.

Training Courses

Free eLearning courses in global health research for staff of all roles, in all regions and covering all disease areas, developed by The Global Health Network in collaboration with respected partners such as the World Health Organization

Essential Curriculum

Essential Research Skills Training Curriculum study identifies the minimum set of skills, knowledge and key principles that enable those with limited experience to undertake high-quality research


The Professional Development Scheme provides a comprehensive, high quality mechanism for recording, tracking and guiding professional development in health research by capturing core competencies, qualifications and training

Planning a career in research can be challenging, but there are plenty of free resources out there to help.

To save you having to find them, we have collated resources and expertise about careers in clinical research, whatever the role. Scroll down for resources in everything from interview planning to appraisals.

Preparing for an interview and questions you may be asked

How to write a
cover letter

How to find a
research job

research CVs

How to conduct
an appraisal

Creating an achievable
career plan

Careers in
scientific research

Science career

Job opportunities