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Welcome to The Global Health Network’s Professional Development Scheme. The Professional Development Scheme is a mechanism for professional development that has been specifically
designed for all researchers working in the field of global health.

The Professional Development Scheme provides a comprehensive, high quality mechanism for recording, tracking and guiding professional development in health research by capturing core competencies, qualifications and training.

The Professional Development Scheme is based upon The Global Health Network TDR Global Competency Framework for Clinical Research which sets out the competencies that should be demonstrated by a research team to carry out a successful study.

To guide you through using the PDS and how to complete each section please use the following 'Quick User Guide' which includes information on how to register to The Global Health Network, access the PDS and a tutorial video to support you, step by step, in completing the different sections of the PDS.

Below you can follow a visual quick introduction to the Professional Development Scheme (PDS):