groups » Funding Opportunities » POSTING LINKS ON FUNDING OPPRTUNITIES

May i make a suggestion. Its probably time that we start looking out for funding opportunities. So if anyone within the network stumbles on any funding opprotunities please share.


  • Yes! I agree we need information about funding but I think it is also good to start sharing ideas on investigator -initiated studies that we may collaborate on. It is when we have a well thought of and relevant research and developed a good protocol that we can think of accessing fund. iS ANYBODY THINKING OF OR HAVE A STUDY THAT NEED MULTI-CENTRE COLLABORATION?

  • tcmarukutira tcmarukutira 3 May 2011

    Thanks Sunny for your comments and i wouldnt agree with you more. My take on this is that maybe we need some inputs from past fellows. I think it would be nice to hear about what has happened in the past alumni meetings and the way forward. It would also be intersting to hear what the past fellows are doing. I think we could get encouraging stories from past fellows about what they have accomplished. I am in for multicentred networking within the alumni fellows.

  • sunnyoyakhirome Sunny Oyakhirome 3 May 2011

    Actually we should put our heads together in finding what kind of funds we would need and how to obtaining such funding. As CDFellows we need opportunities that allow us to be responsible to clinical research and development in our regions, grants that enable us to put to practice all we have imbibed during this year of training.
    We need funds to strengthen our capacity conduct clinical research as independent researchers in our different regions as well as in a CDF network in a multicentral project involving members of the CDF Alumni in their different regions, which will give us the opportunity to function as clinical development managers, global study managers, and monitors, in addition teaching and training others.
    Grants that would make us (CDF alumni) function as a consortium.
    Your comments please!!!

  • sunnyoyakhirome Sunny Oyakhirome 3 May 2011

    Funding opportunities should also include not only where but how we can obtain funds for research projects

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